Potret kepemilikan hak cipta dan penggunaan lisensi terbuka pada penerbitan ilmiah di Indonesia
Portrait of copyright ownership and open licenses use in scientific publishing in Indonesia
creative commons, hak cipta, lisensi terbuka, publikasi ilmiah, copyright, open license, scientific publicationsAbstract
Text-based content has become the type of content that is most accessed and disseminated by Internet users in Indonesia, including scientific article content. The method of how scientific copyrights are organized and content distributed has become a key factor in the development of scientific journal. This situation is supported by the presence of Creative Commons with its CC open licensing concept. By extracting data from the Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) on 13 February 2020, this article presents the distribution of the use of copyright and licenses in journals in Indonesia. The 1578 journals observed show that copyright ownership in scientific articles in Indonesia tends to be held by publishers, while forty percent of journals apply CC BY open licenses in their management. The phenomenon of the emergence of openness amidst the possible illiteracy of journal managers about the licenses types, which become blessing in disguise, is explained as the contribution of Indonesian culture as part of Eastern society that contributes to the preference of applying copyright and open licenses in Indonesian scientific journals.
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