Comparison of language used for journal names indexed in SINTA ranked 1 and 2
English, Indonesian, Journal name, Language, Name combination, SINTAAbstract
For new journals, choosing the right name is very important. Apart from attracting the interest of authors and readers, the journal's name also determines the accreditation and indexation process. In addition to using names in national and international languages, the use of a combination of more than one type of language is also commonly used as journal names. This short communication aims to describe the names of journals in Indonesia indexed by Science and Technology Index (SINTA) at rank 1 and 2 regarding the language used. The method used is identifying journal names one by one on the SINTA journal page at rank 1 and 2, followed by identification of the language used as the journal name. The results obtained show that journals at SINTA 1 rank the most used English names with 74.39%, while in SINTA rank 2, the most use Indonesian names with 57.19%.
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