Strategi peningkatan publikasi ilmiah di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar
Strategy, Publication, Scientific, SWOTAbstract
This research aims to find out the strategies that can be done to support the increase in scientific publications of lecturers and the academic community in STIBA Makassar. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative research approach. The object of this research is the internal and external environment of STIBA Makassar in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analyzed using SWOT techniques. The results showed that the activities and research programs in STIBA Makassar environment can run well are strongly influenced or determined by internal and external aspects. Internal aspects can support the improvement of scientific publications when all the components involved can support the policies and roadmaps that are drawn up. External aspects can support the improvement of scientific publications when communication and partnership are established in an ongoing and reciprocity in developing programs that can benefit the community and the development of STIBA Makassar. Based on the results of SWOT analysis, strategic programs to support the improvement of scientific publications of lecturers and academic community in STIBA Makassar can be focused on three areas of development strategy, namely: (1) research development; (2) provision of institutional services, and (3) management support and implementation of other technical tasks.
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