Dominasi Mendeley sebagai Manajer Referensi pada artikel Ilmiah di Indonesia
Mendeley's Dominance as a Reference Manager in Scientific articles in Indonesia
Mendeley, Reference managers, Scientific articles, Scientific journalAbstract
The favorable growth of monthly scientific journals in Indonesia over the last three years has prompted them to improve the quality of their published papers, including the use of reference managers in manuscripts. The goal of this study is to provide a broad picture of how to reference managers are used in periodic scientific articles. A descriptive study using a cross-sectional technique was conducted. This study included 51 editors as subjects, including 27 editors in chief and 24 editors who manage Indonesian periodical scientific publications. Kobotoolbox and STATA were used to collect and analyze data. According to the report, 51.8 percent of original submission papers in recognized journals use reference managers, compared to 42.7 percent in unaccredited journals. Conclusion: Overall, only 48.0 percent of manuscripts employ reference managers when submitting them for the first time. The fact that 76.5 percent of journal editors are willing to give training on the use of reference managers is encouraging.
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