Produktivitas riset Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Indonesia: Analisis Kualitatif
The productivity of scientific articles at Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI) in Indonesia: an qualitative analysis
research collaboration, research productivity, PTKI, publication distribution, scientific publicationAbstract
Indonesia's scientific publications in recent years have experienced a significant increase, both at the ASEAN and international levels. However, this achievement has not been evenly distributed, especially in the Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI) environment. This paper examines research productivity at PTKI qualitatively through two indicators. First, the quality and quantity of PTKI scientific journals. Second, the writing productivity of the PTKI academic community. Data is collected through various sources; Sinta, Moraref, SCImago, Ministry of Religion's Diktis data and several other secondary sources. The results of the study show, First, the number of PTKI journals ranked Sinta 1 (S1) is 8% or 7 of the total S1 journals. While the PTKI journals ranked Sinta 2 (S2) approximately 19% or 139 of the total journals at the S2 rank. Second, the productivity of writers who are included in the list of 500 productive researchers based on Sinta's data is 10 people from PTKI. In terms of journals and the productivity of researchers in the PTKI scope, the State Islamic Higher Education (PTKIN) and Private Islamic Higher Education (PTKIS) have not been evenly distributed. The results of this study indicate that aspects of equity and collaboration, both between PTKIN and PTKIS as well as PTKI with public universities and other research institutions, are important points in increasing research productivity within the PTKI scope.
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