Masalah publikasi ilmiah di lingkup Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kristen Indonesia
Problems of scientific publication in the Scope of Indonesian Theological Seminary
publikasi ilmiah, perguruan tinggi Kristen, penelitian, sekolah tinggi teologi, kinerja dosen, karya akademik, academic work, christian seminary, lecturer performance, scientific publications, theological schoolAbstract
The research is focused on seeing the causes of the low performance of lecturers and students in Christian Religious Colleges (PTKK). The three main things that were discussed and analyzed as the root of the problem were the lack of publication awareness, lack of support for infrastructure and funds, and minimal research awareness. Therefore, if PTKK does not immediately present a solution for these three aspects, PTKK will be left behind and eliminated from global competition. PTKK is required to carry out restructuring and repositioning regarding policies and actions to overcome these three things. All of this research based on a literature review and is presented descriptively—data taken from secondary sources, i.e., web, research reports, and books, including data processed from Sinta and GARUDA.
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